Y'all !!!!!! Our baby girl graduated preschool last night! This is such a bittersweet time of parenthood realizing our oldest will be going off to kindergarten in the fall. She is more than ready to go to a new school and soak in all that they have to teach her, and seeing her so excited about this new chapter in her childhood makes my mama heart want to burst. But as happy as I am to bear witness to her excitement I am a little sad to once again come to the realization of just how quickly infancy and toddlerhood pass by.
I hope you all enjoy these images from last night's graduation of the 2015 Pre-K class at Scott's Hill Christian Academy.
First day of preschool vs. graduation!

The graduation program began with singing, prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance. There is nothing much cuter than 70 Pre-K kids saying the pledge ;)

Then it got R-E-A-L! The kiddos put on their cap and gowns and got to walk across the stage to recevie their preschool diplomas!